Rabu, 14 November 2012

Biography Of Haddad Alwi

Biography Of Haddad Alwi

Haddad Alwi was born in Surakarta (Solo), March 13, 1966 was an Indonesian Muslim religious singer. Her album, titled Love Apostle (1999) is a best-selling religious album in the history of Indonesian music. This album has been reproduced in a variety of versions and volume. Haddad also collaborated with Gita Gutawa and Tasya in the album Street Love 2. Haddad Alwi success through the album "Love Rosul (a duet with Sulis) in 1991-2003. Because of his achievements, he received several awards from the music industry in Indonesia and Malaysia became of Music Award nominees. On the album "Love for the Messenger" he has also had the opportunity Phillharmonic accompanied by Orchestra of Melbourne and Sydney, Australia. A few years after no longer performing with Sulis, Haddad Alwi released a new album titled "Prophets Muhammad" a duet with a new partner: Anti & Vita. Within months of this album is to attract the attention of the Indonesian Muslim family.

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